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Page history last edited by nate 15 years, 2 months ago




Links To All Nominated Fics



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General Disclaimer: The Fics posted on this website remain the intellectual property of their original authors and the Adminstrator and Judges of these Awards lay no claim to them; their consent to publish the works on this site has been obtained. Similarly, the authors of fanfiction lay no claim to the intellectual property of the universes in which they are set or the characters as they were created by the original writers of TV, Movies, Comics, Books or Games. No money has or will be made by anyone for taking part in the Awards or by the production of their fanworks.



The Header information for each fic is only as accurate as was provided by the nominator. The Awards staff hold no responsibility for the omission of anything that may squick in the warnings.



See individual fic for the header information, summaries and nominated categories.



24/7 by Xanthe


A Chains Christmas by Diana Williams


A Moment's Indiscretion by dustandroses


A to Z by azure chaos


And Just Plain Wrong & Damage Control by Amanuensis & Juxian Tang


Anonymity by James


Attention to Detail by Ana


Back From the Well by Xanthe


Bad Day by Xanthe


Balance of Power by knight music


Bargain by Katharina


Beautiful Broken by Lit Gal


Because No One Must Know by Juxian Tang


Belted Plaid by Cobweb


Bitch by The Tenth Muse


Bound to Love by M. Elizabeth Ravensblood


Bound to the Law by Dawnwind


Breach of Trust by Xanthe


Brought to Heel by Stacey M


Captive by RentGirl2


Child of the Night by Scribe


Clean Cut by Scribe


Clean Sweep by Scribe


Close Your Eyes by Juxian Tang


Collateral Damage by versaphile & psychoadept


Coming Home by Xanthe

Coming Home - Ch5: The Training Collar by Xanthe


Control Theory by Rebecca


CSI New York Romanology, Scroll 2 by The Tenth Muse 


Cycle of Life by Cupnjava


Dangerous Liaisons (Escorts series) by Leila Sharpe


Dark Stranger by Rushlight


Desideratum by Euphrosyne


Dichotomy by Skripka


Discoveries and Experiments by Sid


Disgrace by Bulldogmo


Doctor's Orders by Xanthe


The Doll House by Gabrielle


Drabble Tree by Vinsmouse


THE EMPYREAN STRIKES BACK Or, The Shiny by executrix


Enslaved by Xanthe


Enslavement of Jim by Bulldogmo


Escape Me Never by Gabrielle


Finding Sherlock by Xanthe


For Your Own Good by Amanuensis


Freedom by Purplefeen


Game Plan by Xanthe


General & Dr Sheppard by Xanthe


Guilty by dustandroses


Guilty Pleasure by Vinsmouse


Hando's Slide by Bridgid Morgan


Hired Man by Evil Manic Laugh


Hot Tub a-Rama by Fanbot


I Have Seen The Face Of God by Ruth


Imaginative Use of a Hair Dryer by Joan Z


In the City of Seven Walls byAuburn


The Janitor by Sexymermaid


Kept by Sexymermaid


Knights, Werewolves, Vampires, oh my!!! by Bulldogmo


The Lady and The Tiger by c_woodhaven


Last One Standing by Kallie Rose


Like Water, Lying by Syndochic


Little Man by dustandroses


Man Servant by Sexymermaid


Midnight Summons by RentGirl2


Mile High by Astrojen


Multicultural by Sulya


No More Than You by Erotisan


Northern Corporate Dominion by Remy Heart


Of Sturgeons and Switches by Waldo


One Hell of a Good Fuck by Joan Z


Pleasure by Dusk Peterson


Pointless Pandering Porn: Van Transaction by Scribe


Power Play by dustandroses


Presents For My Lover by Veronica


Prisoner of Imladris by Astrojen


Quill And Ink by Cybele


The Red Curtain by dustandroses


Rest by Haggy


Runaway by Sexymermaid

Runaway: Chapter 7 - Spike's Pet by Sexymermaid


Saiyuki Serial:Beautifully Broken Evolution by Irondog


The Seduction by Sexymermaid


Seget by Incasink


SGA Drabble by Lovelokest


Shattered by Rebecca


Shattered Shards by Perverted Pages


Silken Ties by W6C


Slave of My Heart by Diana Williams


Small Tortures by Skripka


Smut Remix! by executrix


Soundproof by Skripka


Subterfuge by Xanthe


Switch by Xanthe


Ten Things I'd Do With You If We Weren't Friends by Sexymermaid


The Third Man by Mice


Ties That Bind by Tami Brandt


Toys 1-4 by Lit Gal


Trade-Offs by Egretplume


Twas the Friday Night before Christmas and all through the White House by Xanthe


Twenty by Rebecca


Unbreakable by Fanbot


Untitled by Ana


Verdict by Parhelion


What Do You Get For the Death Eater Who Has Everything? by Amanuensis


Whirrings by Skripka


Whispers On A Breeze by Elisabeth


Wicked Ways by BeElleGee


Without a Trace Romanology, Scroll 4 by The Tenth Muse


Xander's Slavedom by Bulldogmo


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