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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago




While you won't be told who the judges are, you will be told the number of the judges who marked each fic. However, each judge has filled in a short form to tell you a bit about themselves.


There are 6 judges:


Judges Number: J1

Fave Fandoms: Without a Trace, CSI, NCIS, Torchwood

Fave Characters: Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Tony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, Martin Fitzgerald, Greg Sanders

Fave Icecream Flavour: Chocolate

Fave Film: Lawrence of Arabia

Dom or Sub? Neither – but in my heart of hearts sub!

How long have you been reading fanfic? About 5 years

Do you write as well as read fanfic? Yes

How long have you been writing for? About 2 years

Do you write BDSM/kink!fic? yes

Do you have any real life BDSM experience? No


Judges Number: J2

Fave Fandoms: i have to choose? at Bascon i learned

the phrase "slash slut" and that would be me!

If i HAVE to choose:

Man from UNCLE, Lrd Peter Wimsey, Sherlock Holmes, Due South (both Rays), Star Trek:tos (prefer Spock/McCoy), Highlander, The Sentinel, CSI (any), NCIS

Supernatural, Dr. Who (old AND new)

I can READ almost anything and have found so MANY cool fandoms because of it.

Harry Potter, Starsky & Hutch, Hercules, X-files, X-men, Smallville, Fastlane, Numbers, Nero Wolfe, Van Helsing, etc, etc. Ask, and i may have read it/havesome knowledge of it.

Fave Characters: Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin (which

translates into a love of Ducky from NCIS).

Spock/McCoy, Abby/Ducky (w/Tony a plus)- (NCIS)

Fave Icecream Flavour: Ben and Jerry's Fossil Fuel!

Fave Film: again, i have to CHOOSE?!?! Buckaroo Banzai (like the book even better), Dead Again

Dom or Sub? Hard wired service oriented subby, leathergirl!

How long have you been reading fanfic? since jr high/high school - sssshhhh, don't tell - (back in 83 or so! ::EEP!::)

Do you write as well as read fanfic? I attempt to!

How long have you been writing for? since forever! Fanfic, since Jr. High - erotic Dr. Who fic! ::blush::

Do you write BDSM/kink!fic? i attempt to!

Do you have any real life BDSM experience? yep! Have been active in my local BDSM/Leather group for the past 4 years (i think), i've been "kinky" for as long

as i can remember. (ask me about Bondage Barbie sometime)


Judges Number: J3

Fave Fandoms: Xmen, Weiss Kreuz, Saiyuki, HP

Fave Characters: All my evil boys... the occasional evil girl

Fave Icecream Flavour: today - Vermonty Python (damn that LS), anything chocolate, always

Fave Film: today - Night of the Living Dead, LOTR series, Xmen 1

Dom or Sub? yes - more prone to being the bitch I think

How long have you been reading fanfic? ummmmm... years

Do you write as well as read fanfic? occasionally

How long have you been writing for? on and off... years...

Do you write BDSM/kink!fic? yes

Do you have any real life BDSM experience? little


Judges Number: J4

Fave Fandoms: The writing is more important than the actual fandom. I enjoy all 3 CSIs, NCIS, Smallville, Numb3rs, Without a Trace, Doctor Who, most Westerns, Lord of the Rings, Ladyhawke, medieval movies. IF I am asked to beta edit a fandom I am not familiar with, I research the fandom.

Fave Characters: As above the writing is more important than the characters themselves. I do not seek out specific characters.

Fave Icecream Flavour: Anything with coffee

Fave Film: Too many to decide among.

Dom or Sub? Neither but I agree with the comment in CSI that the sub has the power.

How long have you been reading fanfic? 30 + years

Do you write as well as read fanfic? Rarely. Mostly drabbles and haiku

How long have you been writing for? 10 years

Do you write BDSM/kink!fic? Hard to do in a haiku

Do you have any real life BDSM experience? Nope


Judges Number: J5

Fave Fandoms: CSI LV, CSI Miami, CSI NY, NCIS, Harry Potter, SG-1, SGA, X-Files

Fave Characters: Mac Taylor, Greg Sanders, Abby, Rodney McKay and Dana Scully

Fave Icecream Flavour: White Chocolate and Raspberry

Fave Film: The Craft *snicker value

Dom or Sub? Sub

How long have you been reading fanfic? 5 Years

Do you write as well as read fanfic? Yep

How long have you been writing for? 3 Years

Do you write BDSM/kink!fic? Yes

Do you have any real life BDSM experience? Fetish Balls and a few scenes.

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