


Author: NA71

Pairing(s): none

Warnings: none

Spoilers: none

Summary: Play on the word 'No'


Nominated Category:

Original Fic: Slash


“Do you say No to me?”








““What did you say?”








“Are you being deliberately defiant?”








“I have had just about enough of this tonight, young man. If you use that word to me once more, you are going over my knee, I don’t care where we are or who’s watching. This is your last warning – no excuses, no second chances. Now. Have you finished your drink?”




“ … “




“Because I think we should leave this crush and go back to our seats. Theatre bars always get too crowded in the interval, it’s no pleasure at all coming in. Besides I want another look at the programme. I don’t understand half of what’s happening on stage, all those white faced actors shouting their heads off. It’s not even as if I speak Japanese. What did you say it was called, a what play?”




“Noh. Oooooh shit!”