

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago


Author: NA28

Fandom: Buffy/Angel

Pairing(s): Angel/Xander. Xander/?

Warnings: Slave Fic, extreme rape and torture scenes, unbetad, WiP

Spoilers: After the graduation show

Summary: Xander dies on his road trip or did he, when Xander is found again, maybe he should have died.


Nominated Category:

Best Slave!Fic:Acted TV & Movies - Slash





Angelus, Master of the Clan Aurelius,

Your presence is demanded this year

at the yearly


Slave Auction/Ball


September 23, 2005


A limo will pick you up at 7 pm


Please do not bring your humans as

they may be mistaken for an entree.


Response not necessary

Entrance Fee $1,000

All Bids start at $500,000



P.S. The life you save might be your own.



Chapter One:


Angel looked at the invitation one more time as he sat in silence in the back of the limo currently speeding toward his destination. The windows were black so that even with his vamperic vision he couldn’t see out of them.


He felt them slow and then start to descend into a subterranean structure from the sound of the tires on the pavement. With this sound and the echo, he judged they may be in an underground garage of some sort. He stiffened instinctively, ready for anything, when the limo stopped and the door was opened for him by a human looking man. He immediately extended his senses and saw that he was a minion of the Uthaws Clan; vastly inferior to his own clan.


“Master Angelus, may we please see your invitation?” the minion had the nerve to ask.


Standing and sniffing, as if he smelled something foul, he handed over the invitation and, once scanned both mundanely and magically, it was handed back and he was escorted to the elevator.


The escort did not allow him to operate the buttons, but rather stood guard over them. Once they reached the designated floor the escort allowed him to exit the elevator and then went back to his post.


Once out of the elevator, he was at the entrance to the foyer. There he was scanned both magically and mundanely to make sure he had not brought weapons or other types of items harmful to a roomful beings that had different ways to die.


Once again he passed the scan; now just one more to go, the monetary scan. This one he was expecting and had made sure he had plenty of money in this one account before arriving. Walking up to the entranceway, he handed over the Irish Sterling Pound card to be scanned. Just from the look on the scanner’s face he knew that he had made the right impression. There were only 15, well now 16, of these cards in existence on the planet.


The computer beeped, confirming the entrance fee was paid, and confirming the amount in his account. The computer reported 1.2 billion pounds sterling in the account belonging to one Liam Angelus O’Roark.


Bowing at the waist, the scanner showed Angel into the room. He then walked him over to the refreshments and drinks, telling him the codes as so not to harm him. For example, the dishes that had white lights on them he had to stay away from because they had holy water in them. To some demons, holy water was like hot sauce on chicken wings for humans.


After picking up a glass of warmed bloodwine he wandered the room. He knew he would be the talk of the room because NO Master of the Clan Aurelius had ever been to one of these balls before and, as much as he hated tradition, this one he would have liked to keep.


He had to admit the opulence of the room was well done; not too over done, but just enough to let you know that money was here and power as well. It looked like any other business place of a powerful human, except for a few small details such as the paintings on the walls. The details were exquisite, down to the tiniest detail. It was the subject matter that left a lot to be desired; demons oozing pus, and the colors were done in such a way that the original demon found it pleasing to look at but anyone else was caused great pain to even glimpse it.


The furniture looked 18th century, and it was. But it was also created by demons for demons; lounge couches, with extra length for those with longer bodies and fewer bones, to demons with more than one set of arms or legs. The chandeliers were another example of demon’s touch; the spectrum of light given off by them was such that it was easy on the eyes for creatures of the Underworld, who mainly lived in dark places, and lived only in the night. All in all, this place may look like a human auction/ballroom event, but it screamed of powerful demons, and the humans were either pets, slaves, or entrees.


About a half an hour had gone by when he noticed a familiar face among the crowd, or thought he did. No, he thought, what would he be doing here? He’s practically human himself. Casually wandering over to that side of the room, he found that it was indeed who he thought it would be. Dressed to the nines in his Armani tux was none other than OZ.


He stood back and watched as he saw Oz speak more words to the lady in the red dress than Angel ever remembering seeing him speak the entire time he knew him. He also knew that the woman in red was not a woman, but rather, a succubus thinking she had trapped a foolish human here where he should not be.


Decision made, Angel walked up to Oz and tried to rescue him.


Tapping him on the shoulder like an old friend, Angel said, “Oz, old buddy, I didn’t think you would make it this year. Heard they have some fine humans you could buy and hunt when the moon is full.”


Oz turned to face Angel with a look of shock and anger on his face, like he was thinking ‘how dare you do this to me in front of her?’. But he was more shocked by what she said next.


“Oh, you’re one of them. I should have known they wouldn’t let a human into one of these events, let alone allow one to roam free.” With a twitch of her shoulders, her wings popped out from wherever she hid them, and she spread them and let out a sigh of relaxation. “OH, thank the Devil himself, you guys have no idea how much that pulls when they are scrunched up like that.”


But the men, being men, were watching what the movement was doing to her breast line, up and down and jiggles in all the right directions, and sorta had their minds off conversation for a few minutes.


“Aaahh, guys, hhhhoooo, guys! Eyes upward, my face is up here. Men, no matter the disease or the demon, they’re all the same.” With that she turned and walked off.


The two former Scoobies looked at each other and snickered. After all, what could they say or do? Motioning to a spot along the wall where they could talk, Angel headed over to it and waited for Oz to follow.


“Oz, not that it’s not good to see you, I mean it is and all, but how did you get in here? How could you afford to get in here? And how did you pass the money scan to afford to buy what they are selling? That is, if you know what they are selling. And how come you’re not up there being sold yourself?” Angel sputtered.


Laughing, Oz puts his hands up. “One at a time Angel. One at a time. First, it is good to see you too. This means I’m not alone here. I got a demand invite like you did, I’m sure. As for what is being sold here - - yes I know, slaves, human and non-human. As for the money end, lets just say I got tired of living out of my van, put my brain to work and did very well in certain fields of the Underworld. I’m accepted because I’m a werewolf and I don’t have to hide that fact any more. With the Scoobies it was a dark secret kept in the weapons cage. Out here I can be me, make money, and take 3 days off, with everyone knowing why and not have to worry about repercussions from my client base or otherwise. Hell, some of my clients have even offered me hunting privileges on their preserves when I am working at their homes. And the preserves are for the two legged kind.”


“You’ve hunted humans? Isn’t that sorta against your code or something?” Angel asked, shocked.


“Na, that was Willow’s and Buffy’s code. My wolf will hunt whatever it is in the mood for. Sometimes I will just hunt the humans for the exercise, other times for mating and, if I’m hungry, I might go for human, if I’m in the mood.”


“Mating? Don’t you mean rape?”


“Nope, for me it’s mating, male or female. When I’m in my wolf form I really don’t care what the other person thinks, I’m in it for me.”


“Whoa, you have changed a lot since the last I saw you. First you’re more talkative, more aggressive, and more in control and demanding.”


“That’s because I’m me. After that experience with Willow and Tara and spending time with those Army thugs, I decided no more nice guy. I use my wolf abilities to the max, and I keep it that way. Like right now, I know something is off here. I sense something familiar, but what or who I don’t know.”


Angel, vamping out, tried scensing with his senses and found that he agreed with Oz. Something was very familiar in the air, almost like a pong and after-smell coming from somewhere.


“I don’t know, but I think it is time we went and found our host to see why we were summoned and told to come this year of all the years.”


“Agreed,” Oz said.


After a few minutes both Oz and Angel spotted their host in the process of getting a drink at the bar. They slowly walked over to him as if it was a chance meeting while chatting with each other.


“How are we going to handle this?” Oz asked.


“Well, I’ll play the nice guy and you can play fido with a hunger for his hip bone.”


All that got him was a growl and a snarl from the once peaceful werewolf.


“Jeeze, it was just a joke. Let the wolf out just enough to show in your eyes and long teeth, just enough to let him know you mean business.”


Their host had seen them coming from halfway across the room and knew they were heading for him. Motioning to the bartender, he whispered, “Make sure we are not disturbed. I have some very important business to attend to for a few minutes. Tell Malk’ga to start the ball and, if I’m not free in 45 minutes, have him start the auction in the other room as well. Thanks.”


As Angel and Oz approached, he had to keep his laughter inside, as he heard them arguing how they were going to initiate this meeting.


When the two gentlemen arrived, their host was waiting for them.


“Good evening, Gentlemen. My name is Mr. Travers. That is not my real name but you would not be able to pronounce my real name, so I use that among the more language challenged species. OH, and forgive my appearance, I usually do not choose a human glamour, but I figured this once why not be different.”


“What exactly are you then?” asked Angel.


“I’m a Negthuare Demon. Sorta like your friend the Host but without the destiny singing gig - - and a better fashion sense.”


“What we would like to know is why you ’demanded’ that we be here,” growled Oz, letting out the wolf a little.


“Well you see it is quite simple. I sell slaves to buyers.”


“Yes, we know, that is why we usually don’t come here. We find that repulsive,” Angel said.


“Now, now, let me tell you some facts before you make a judgment that makes you both look very foolish. Yes, I sell slaves, but I sell willing slaves. These beings are selling themselves to individuals to be pets, personal servants or even lovers. These beings are doing this for protection, to get out of debt either for themselves or their clan or, for some, this is the type of life style they crave and need. I never sell an unwilling slave. That is what makes me like your Host. I talk with each slave that I sell and I can see inside them to tell if they are doing this of their own free will.”


“Then why are we here? If all your slaves are willing to be sold, then we have no reason to be here as we will not buy one,” Angel said confused. Oz also looked on in confusion at the demon.


“Tonight, I will not be selling a slave, but rather, his trainers will be. I have a contract with the school to sell their slaves because they only train willing slaves, and have done so for over 500 years. But this slave is different. He comes from a different background. He was broken before the school got a hold of him and he was trained and altered to be what he is today. I can’t change that, but I can refuse to sell him. I was informed that if I refused he would be sold at some of the lesser concerned auction houses where he could end up in a whore house. I couldn’t let that happen in good conscience.”


He waved away their incredulous looks. “Yes, I know, a demon concerned over a human slave. But if you looked into this slave’s mind like I can, you would scream in horror and travel into madness at what has been done to him. After all that has been done to him only three images remained, pictures if you will, of the men who he felt could protect him or help him.”


He paused for dramatic effect. “You two, and a third who I will not mention.”


Turning to look at each other, looks of confusion passed between them as they went over mutual acquaintances in their minds. Everyone they knew was either safe or dead.


“Come gentlemen, it is almost time for the auction to start and I have reserved seats for you both near the front so you can see who I am talking about. I’m afraid I have done all that I can, the rest is up to you. I beg you - - buy him. No one deserves to go through what he did just because of who he was.”


With that last cryptic remark he led them to the auction room.


Walking down near the front of the room, they heard the whispers and comments grow in volume and languages. Angel watched as Oz stood up straighter and straighter as he walked. By the time they reached their chairs, he was ramrod straight and he was having a hard time keeping the wolf from running rampant through the crowd of demons.


“Settle down Oz. The talk may have been about both of us, but that is because you’re with me. I am the first Master of the Aurilues Clan to ever come to a slave auction. If the clan needed someone to be a slave we would capture them and make them a slave our own way. To do whatever task we needed them to do. We would then discard them afterwards as a drained corpse, or they would be made into a minion.”


“I know that, but I’ve gotten to a point in my life where I despise beings talking about me behind my back. It would give me no greater pleasure than to find out who thought I was your playtoy and show them what a werewolf’s playtoy really is.”


“I know old friend, I know,” smirked Angel.


They looked up as a hush fell across the gallery as Travers walked up to the auction stand.


“Gentle beings, it’s time to begin our yearly Slave Auction. Please remember when buying your new slave that some of these species may need attention in order to survive. For example, you can’t take a Rakkadv near salt water or it’ll explode messily everywhere.


“Our first slave up for sale tonight is a Rahawk demon. Notice that it has a human appearance, except for the sides of the head where it has feathers. The eyes are a yellow brown color and her eyesight is 100 times better than a human’s. If you plan on breeding her, she can mate with a human and, of course, with another Rahawk. With another Rahawk you will get eggs, and with a human you will get a 50/50 chance at either a live birth or an egg birth.


“The reason her clan is selling her today is that she is a genetic inferior to their breeding plans. So instead of killing her or sterilizing her, they offered her a way out. Any money you spend on buying her will be placed in an account already set up for her by her clan for the day she is no longer needed or wanted as a slave.


“As stated in your invitations, all opening bids start at $500,000. So lets begin shall we?”


He took a deep breath and looked around the room before speaking again.


“I have $500,000… 600,000 to number 54… 700,000 to number 9 … 800,000 to telephone bid number 4…do I have a 900,000 …do I have 850,000…I do, number 54 …I have 900,000 from number 9…Do I have any more bids? Sold to number 9 for $900,000.” A loud crack sounded as he banged the hammer on the podium.


This went on for a couple of hours. There were many demons, as well as humans for sale. All were up for sale for various reasons; from debts, protections, etc.


Finally, Mr. Travers got an angry look on his face and everyone quieted down.


“Gentlebeings, I will not be handling the next auction. I find what has been done to this being to be both a disgrace and a dishonor when it comes to those of us that are slave traders and slave holders. But I am bound by contract to sell what they give me to sell. I’m therefore letting one of their own people do this while I get a drink and wash this taste out of my mouth. If anyone is willing to join me, it would be my pleasure to entertain you while this travesty is going on.”


A shocked silence fell upon the gallery as they watched their host stand up straight, pull his outer coat down to smooth any wrinkles, and descend the stairs in the middle of the room. He then walked up the middle isle, opened, and then slammed the outer door behind him.


The beings just sat there, stunned. Never in the long history of the auction had anything like this ever happened. Never had the house refused to sell a slave. They heard a throat clear and they turn to face the front again. There stood a man on the stage with a bodyguard. The man looked like he needed a bodyguard, just to make sure he wasn’t killed just for living. Even in a $3,000 suit he still looked like scum; his hair was greasy looking, his face covered in acne, his pallor made them all wonder if he had ever seen the sun and he gave off an aura that made you think you needed to take a bath or at least wash your hands from just being in the same room as him.


His guard, on the other hand, was the complete opposite and, standing at least 6” 5’, they figured he had to be part Troll to have all those muscles and still walk normally. His skin was ebony, marking him as at least part demon as that particular color was not natural among humans. Nor were the yellow green eyes.


When everyone had seen him and taken his worth, the talking began.


“Youuu, yes-s-s-s, now I s-s-s-see why Travers-s-s-s-s refussssed to sssseellll your productsss,” hissed a demon related to the pythons of South America.


Turning towards the others in the room, she continued, “Thissss creature breakssss hisssss sssstock’sss ssssoul, mind, and body. What is-s-s-s left over isssss not worth the minimum bid required. I will be joining Traversssss in that drink until this abomination is gone from our presssencessss,” she hissed as she slid-walked her way to the door.


This shocked more than a few demons; the Hissthyns, a gentle kind race, really never had a bad word about any other race or person, always giving the person or race the benefit of doubt. The reason they bought slaves was to help them tend to their nests and such. The afternoon heat and humidity made the Hissthyns too lethargic to be able to take proper care of them or to warn the others if they are attacked. That is why they buy other races to help protect their nest. They also sign a contract with the slave saying that, in a certain number of years, depending on the work they do, they will be set free with a certain amount of money to start a new life.


They were very sought after as Masters, as you can guess.


But to have been deliberately cruel was almost unheard of. Between the Hissthyn and Mr. Travers, that is what most needed to know and about 2/3 left the room. The remaining 1/3 were gossip mongers, Angel, Oz, and a few hard core slavers wanting to see what was so special about this one sale.


“Hello, my name is not important. As to why I’m here, let’s just say I have a piece of merchandise that has special meaning to those of the Underworld. This slave was taken by a group of humans who deal with training and breaking human slaves to be sold outside of this country for profit in countries where slavery is allowed. In fact, the government knows about these activities and for the sake of international peace they ignore the slaves when they see them in these countries. In some, they have standing orders to return runaways back to their owners if they make it to the consulates.


“When the slavers found out who they had, they contacted us to see if we were interested in him. Once we verified who he was and that, in fact, what we had planned on doing to him could be done, we bought him from the slavers giving them a modest profit, and us a unique opportunity to try our trade.”


Motioning off stage, he continued, “Without further ado, lets bring out the slave for you all to see.”


Walking out onto the stage was a fire red demon leading a leashed slave. The stage was dark enough that you couldn’t make out the features until the slave stood in the spot light. Both Angel and Oz grunted. This was the last person they had thought to see here. He was supposed to be dead. But there he stood.


Xander Lavelle Harris. Trained Slave. Sex Toy.


The auctioneer yelled, “Display!” at the slave, and Xander quickly tightened the muscles of his body, showing off his great physique. He had next to no body fat and his cock it started to fill with blood from the command. The size of it startled Angel, as he never realized how well built he was above or below the belt. Angel also noticed other things about Xander’s body.


First, he had both eyes; second, most if not all of his scars were gone, at least the physical ones, he was sure there was a bus load of new ones thanks to the slavers.


The auctioneer continued, “As you can see, he is in great shape and will get hard on command. And now, watch this little trick, Argtra.”


Xander groaned and his cock started to shoot cum all over his still locked body. By the time he was done quivering and gasping for air he was hard again, and he was back in display mode with all his muscles back into the ridged display mode.


“As you can see, he is very well trained. In fact, he can stay hard for days and never come unless you give him the magic word, or you can use it over and over again as a punishment. After two or three times he will be crying and, soon after that begging, and after that he will be unconscious. The next morning his balls will be so sore he can barely walk let alone serve you. And all you have to do is just say the word and he will be on the ground screaming as his well endowed cock starts shooting again. Nodding to the Red Demon, who then walked over to the slave. You could see the slave sorta shrink in on himself., as if he knew what was coming and feared it. The demon’s hand shot out and grabbed the ball sack of the human, pulling it down, gave it a viscous twist, causing most of the males in the audience to wince, but not once did the slave move or give any outward sign of pain, except a small grunt,,


“As you can very well see, this slave has been train to take a high level of pain, and remain in what ever position you put him in.”


“Though if you plan on breeding him, I wouldn’t do that too often. It might make him sterile,” snickered the slimy man.


“Now, I assume this will go as the other bids did, so lets start this off at 500,000… who will give me 500,000…?”


The anger boiling in Angel’s chest was with out equal. He didn’t know where it came from, but all he knew was that Xander up there was his, and he was taking him home.


Standing up to be recognized, in a loud clear voice he stated, “The House of Aurelius will bid $1 for the return of its property.” There was a stillness over the gallery. They had all known that a Master of the Aurelius House was here, but not THE Master.


“Surely you jest SIR. One dollar for this slave? You must know who he is then if, as you say, he is your property,” laughed the greasy git at the stand.


“I repeat, the House of Aurelius bids $1 for the slave. Since there has been no counter offer, you must accept the bid as it stands or forfeit the slave and the right to ever sell another slave,” sneered Angel.


“Will anyone please offer a bid of more than $1 for this slave, so that we can get this travesty of injustice over with…? Yes you, I see you starting to raise your paddle. Will you bid more…?” the auctioneer said, as he started to sweat. This was not going as planned. The plan was to sell the slayer’s pet, let HER know he was alive and a slave to some demon, and let her guilt herself into a mistake. Now the House of Aurelius, who was aligned with the Slayers, was buying the boy, for far less then the proper bids.


When the auctioneer said someone was going to make a bid, Oz jumped up and both his and Angel’s head snapped to the right at the person who was going to bid. Both let their inner beast and demon out to play a bit. After that no-one counter bid against them.


While that was going on, the slimy auctioneer made a quick call to his bosses and had a short chat with them. After a few minutes he hung up and looked smug.


“Well, House of Aurelius, you lose after all. We will not be selling this property after all, nor will we sell him at any auction you or a representative of yours will be at.” With a nod he gathered up his small entourage and started to leave. Angel could see the tears falling down Xander’s face, but not a sound escaped him; he had been trained too well for that.


Looking at Oz, who nodded his head, they both changed and charged the stage; Oz in a hybrid form of his wolf/man form and Angel in full Angelus mode. Angel stopped in front of the group with Oz at the back of the group. Both demons looked scared and knew that they were outclassed.


“What do you want? You can’t steal our property. It’s against the rules of the House,” the smarmy little bastard said with a smirk.


“It is also against the rules to take back an item once you offered it to be bid on,” Mr. Travers said, stepping out of the shadows. “The slave belongs to Mr. Liam O’Roark for the price of $1 or you three will not leave here either as free men or live men.”


“Huh?” asked one of the guards.


“Stupid, he means we will be sold as slaves or given to the wolf and vampire as snacks,” snarked Slimy.


“So,gentlemen, what is it going to be? Sell the slave, or face the penalties?” Mr. Travers asked with a shark like smile.


Gulping, Mr. Slimy threw the leash at Angel. “Here is your slave. Now where is my dollar?”


Angel reached his pocket and pulled out a roll of money. Searching, he finally found a dollar and handed it to the man.


“Good, now we can complete the transaction and be on our way. Slave, stand by your new Master.”


Xander timidly walked over to stand next to Angel.


“Slave, you know what to do to complete the transaction so do it, so that we may go home.”


“Master, I am sorry for the pain I’m about to cause you,” Xander said, pleading. Swiftly he grabbed Angel’s hand and bit down hard on his thumb, hard enough to draw blood, and started sucking.


“OW!!” yelled Angel as he tried to pull away. Then he noticed that both he and his new slave were glowing green and he stopped struggling and he watched as Xander sucked another mouthful of his blood down. After a third mouthful, Xander stopped and licked the wound. Staring at his Master, he closed his eyes and started to sway.


Xander could feel the changes already taking effect. His body was changing once again to match another’s, but this time it would be the last. If it happened again it would be fatal. He felt himself lose control and he fell into darkness.


Angel saw the signs of Xander falling into unconsciousness and caught him, lowering him gently to the floor.


“What the hell is going on here?” he demanded to know.


Oz let out a low growl and stepped forward with his claws ready to do damage.


“You don’t know about us do you? We specialize in lifetime slaves; slaves who can’t ever leave their Masters because they need their Masters to survive, literally. The blood the slave took into himself is combining with the chemicals already there and is changing his body. From now on, he will either need blood or sex at least once a day to survive, preferably both. As for the sex part, I should tell you this; he is mentally and physically programmed to no longer respond to vanilla sex. Kinky, public, S&M, B&D, that kind of stuff, yes, but straight fucking? No. And he will need sex at least once a week as his body has been altered so that chemicals necessary for his body to operate won’t be released without the release that sex gives. His cum, and not from the magic word, and the others’ allow the chemicals to flow for another week. In this case, any dick in the storm will do; demon, human, hell he has been trained to put on a show with certain animals for your entertainment value. Got the idea off the Internet, some real sickos out there, but with the right prep and training you can train a slave to take any type of dick.”


By the time he was done, even Angel looked sick. Angelus had never done some of these things. “How long will the Slave be out?”


“I’d say 48 hours. Oh don’t worry, he can’t bond with anyone else. The next attempt at bonding will kill the bonder and leave the slave alone.”


The slimy demon snapped his fingers, and the red demon wandered off and brought back six heavy boxes of books, tapes, and videos.


“These books are about what was done magically, physically and mentally to him so if you need to do magic around him you can see what would interfere. The two red books are manuals for the commands he has programmed into him, and will instruct you how to program more for your own life style. The tapes are for your review and are from the human training camp. The videos are dated from both training camps, so you can see what he has learned to do and you can see if you want to try anything we have taught him.


“Now, good night, I have to face the music with my bosses,” he said as he slipped away.


As they all watched him go, Angel turned and punched a pillar, cracking it from base to top, while Oz just sat back and howled a sorrowful sound that raised all the hairs on those that had hair.


“Gentlemen, please calm down. You will make the others leave and I need them to help you and your friend here.”


“What do you mean, Travers?”


“I know this place will not let this insult go unpunished. If enough of us slave holders get together and force them to behave, then you will be safe for a time. And time you will need, even if it is in short supply. You have to get him on his feet the best you can. The little bastard was right; he is your slave for life. As long as you remain alive so does he, but what he forgot to mention was it worked both ways. If the slave should die, so can the master, though the risks are lesser.


“Now come, I will escort you to your limos and see you home,” he said.


Snapping HIS fingers, a few of his men appeared, putting away their guns. After a few instructions, some rushed forward to grab the boxes. Some tried to grab Xander, but Angel growled, leaped forward and grabbed Xander himself.


Oz had changed back to his human form and had brushed the loose hair off his stretched tux. “Boy is Manny going to be pissed when he sees what is left of my tux”, he mumbled.


“Oz, thanks… I don’t think I could have pulled this off without you as back up. If you ever need help, here is my card. Call me and I am so there. Can you come back to the hotel for a few days or do you need to get back to some clients right away?”


“No, to the clients. I’m currently in between contracts. And, yes I‘ll come by the hotel. You’re going to need help with Xander when the others find out, especially when Cordy breaks the news to Sunnydale. You know they are going to come with an army, right?”


“Ya, that’s is why I need all the help I can get. That is why I’m calling Giles as soon as I get back and have him come down as soon as possible. Between Giles, Wes, you and me we should be able to handle the two main ones.”


‘Okay, then I’ll see you sometime tomorrow,” Oz said as he got into his limo and pulled away to go back to his place.


Angel placed his burden in the back of the limo with him. Looking down at Xander, he couldn’t help but wonder what had Xander drug him into this time.





Chapter 2


As they pulled up in front of Hyperion, Angel asked that the driver wait a few minutes. The driver told him that he was under strict order to obey Angel for the next 72 hours as were the replacements that would be needed, as he was, of course, only human.


Chuckling at the one thing the whole evening he found really funny, he straightened his tux and walked in. Checking his watch, he saw that it was just after 12:30am so the crew would still be up and alert. Damn, just when he needed everyone to be home and asleep.


As he walked in, everyone looked up, saw it was him and relaxed. They stopped reaching for weapons hidden around the lounge and he sighed, knowing that in 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 …1 ...Cordy.


“So how went the big Underworld snorty shindig? What type of auction was it, a charity auction or was it really a slave auction? Because I got to say like…ew … but if that is what the demons want…”


“Cordy, please shut up for a few minutes. I have some good news and some VERY bad news.”


“Okay, since your bad news is usually world ending, let’s try the good news this time shall we?” Wes said.


“Xander Harris is still alive.”








“My Word.”


“Whaaat happened? I thought Angel said Xander was still alive.”


“I did Cordy. I found him tonight.”


‘OH MY GOD! He was at the slave thingie. He’s been a Slave, hasn’t he.” She rushed over to the weapons cabinet, grabbed a short sword and some stakes before looking back.


She screeched, “Come on people, I’m not letting my ex-boyfriend be a slave. Get over here, grab some weapons and let’s get a move on. Move it or I will light a fire under your asses that you will feel until next week.”


They all started to move with a speed that Angel had never got out of them before.


“Hold it …now just wait a minute … if you will let me explain …”


Meanwhile people were running about, making plans. Cordy was on the phone, trying to reach Sunndydale, knowing that Buffy and Willow would want in on this. Seeing her on the phone, Angel used his demon speed and grabbed the phone away from her, inadvertently crushing the hand set.


“NO!!... No phone, NO WEAPONS… and NO SLAYER.


“AND WHY THE HELL NOT? I know you don’t like Xander, but not even you would want him to be a slave to a demon.”


Pulling his hair out, Angel stompped to the middle of the room, “If you all will sit down and let me explain.”


“Okay, but it better be good, or you’re getting a holy water cocktail in the morning, buster,” Cordy said, as she flopped down on the lounge couch.


“Yes, Xander was, is and, unfortunately, always will be a slave because of what has been done to him over the last two years. I bullied my way through the bullshit and bought him for $1. He is outside in the limo and Cordy, you even move a muscle so help me God, I’m stealing back all my credit cards you have.


“This is what we are going to do right now. Charles and Wes, there are a shit load of boxes in the trunk of the limo. I need you to get them and start going through them. Leave the red manuals alone, those are mine and mine alone. Cordy, darling, you will review in detail the video tapes and give me a summary. You don’t have to be here in the office until you’re done; you can do this at home. Fred, remember how you were when you first got here? Well, Xander is going to be ten times worse and, until can I see how much work it is going to be to acclimate him back into society, if at all, we are going to need rooms. So I want you to take this card, find the largest suite of rooms in the hotel and fix it up. It must have at least 3 bedrooms; one for me and Xander and just strip the other two bare, I will handle those. The bathroom must have a Jacuzzi that sits at least two. Other than that, it’s up to you.”


“What you’re giving her charge of decorating and fixing up rooms and me tape duty? Have you gone mad?”


“NO,” roared Angel. “WHAT I AM IS TIRED OF YOU BEING AN INSENTIVE BITCH!!!! “Those tapes will show in great detail everything done to Xander, from the moment he was captured to the time he was taken to the slave house to be sold. I want you to see what happened to your friend. I want you to understand that there is more in life than what involves you,” snapped Angel.


By then Gunn and Wes had the boxes in and Cordy grabbed the ones with the tapes and stormed out of the office, not to be seen for days afterwards.


“Now I know I was hard on Cordy, but I had a reason to. I’m going to bring Xander in from the limo. He is unconscious and will be for the next forty-some hours. I’m putting him in my room until the suite is completed. I want you all to keep an eye on him for the next few hours while I go and get Giles.”


“Shouldn’t you call him first before you spring this news on him?” inquired Wesley.


“No, I think this is the type of news you have to tell someone face to face. Giles considered Xander his son and to know what has been done to him, and what he has and will go through for the rest of his life, he will need a target, and I’m volunteering to be that target. Again.”


Saying that, Angel turned and walked out to the limo to retrieve Xander. Finding him in the same spot as when he left him, he quickly carried him inside as if carrying a baby. Once he was inside the building he paused as if to give them a chance to see Xander.


“EEEP, he’s naked!!” screeched Fred, quickly turning her back.


“Angel, you could have at least put a covering over him,” Wesley admonished.


“Ya, dude, give the guy some respect,” Gunn said.


“Okay, this is going to take some time and more explaining, I guess. Let me put him to bed and I will be back.” Angel quickly went up stairs, opened his bedroom door and walked in. Placing Xander gently on the bed, he ran a finger down the side of his sleeping face and notice that, even asleep, he had the strained look of someone expecting to be hit or given some sort of pain. Quickly covering him up, Angel turned and left the room. This whole situation was playing havoc with his equilibrium. Part of him wanted to keep Xander as his slave, and treat him as such, while part of him wanted to break the training and bring him back to normal Xander. That is, if it was even possible.


Quickly walking downstairs, he saw that Lorne had joined his merry little group and he was not looking at all pleased.


“Cupcake, what is this about you buying a slave and bring him into our happy home?”


“Lorne, it’s true. He is an old friend who has been both magically, physically, chemically, and mentally transformed into the perfect slave. I could not not rescue him. But without my knowledge, he has become physically and chemically bonded to me. Without my blood or sex he will die a slow painful death.


“Now, as for the rest of you, a quick lesson in Slavery 101. Slaves do not wear clothes, they are forbidden to wear them, except fetish wear and are, in fact, trained to not wear them. If they do so it will cause them both physical and mental pain. NO slave will ever look you in the eyes, NO slave will talk back to you, NO slave will stand up to you, NO slave will eat human food. In fact, I don’t think Xander could if he wanted to. Because of the changes, I will have to look in the manuals to see what he can eat. All slaves eat and drink out of bowls on the floor. All slaves ask permission to go to the bathroom or even to leave the room. You may find him standing in the corner still as a statue; that is because no one has found him a task so he will find a way to be out of everyone’s way. They are trained NOT to move. I could put him in the courtyard and he would not move, no matter what, until he fainted from exhaustion.


“You will find that he will only obey my orders if I am around, but if I’m not he will follow yours to the letter, so be very careful how you ask something. If it requires him to leave the building he will do so, not even thinking of his nude status.


“Also, because of him being a slave he is mentally programmed to be a sex toy. When his body is ready and able to service me, as such, it will signal this by him getting hard. He will not even notice this as he is trained to ignore it. If you see him walking around here hard, and I will tell you now you can’t miss it, just do your best to ignore it or get me. The only way to get rid of it is a long bout of actual sex with his proper Master.


“Also, he has been changed chemically. He needs to have sex once a week with anyone in order to release the normal chemicals that his body needs to survive. The actual act of sex will release them for the week and then he is fine.


“Now if this is enough explanation, I have to go and pick up Giles. This is going to be a trip I’m not looking forward to.”



Chapter Three


Before he left LA, Angel had switched drivers as this was going to be a long trip and driver number one had been on for a while already tonight. The new driver, Steve, had them pulling up in front of Giles’ Magic Box at four in the morning.


After seeing all the lights out, Angel went around to the other side of the building and knocked on the residential side of the business. After a couple of minutes of pounding, a grumbling, cursing, very Ripper sounding English man threw open the door.


“Good Gawd, what the hell are you pounding on my door at four in the morning to wake the dead, for Angel? Is it another apocalypse?”


“No, old friend, I would welcome that right about now. Can I come in? This news is best told over a stout drink and while sitting down.”


Raising an eyebrow, Giles invited Angel in and preceded him up the stairs to his flat that ran over his shop. He then proceeded to find two glasses and a bottle of very old Irish whisky.


After pouring a shot for each of them, they saluted, “To departed friends,” and drank it down and then he poured another one.


“Okay Angel, what is this all about? Did someone die? If so who was it, and who do we kill to avenge them?”


“Save the revenge until later. We might have to do that any way, but as for dying, no one. Let’s just say someone came back from the dead, and is not who they use to be, not by a long shot.”


“Stop being cryptic man. I hated that when you first joined us and I still hate it now.”


“Okay … Xander … he’s back.”


“HOW? ... WHERE? ... WHY? ... But the blood, the car … the fire …” Giles sputtered.


“Yes, I know. From what I can figure out, Xander was captured by white slavers to be sold over seas to someone in those countries that still have slavery, which we ignore because we need their oil and such. It also seems that one of them has connections in the Underworld, found out who he was, and decided to sell him to the right demons for a profit. He has been trained to be the perfect slave. Giles, there is very little left of the old Xander there. Hell, in order to keep him a live I have to rape him once a day or he dies.”


At the announcement, the vampire broke down and started to cry. The strength he had to show all the others and that he had used to show the world out side, finally gave away. Now he could break down and let the emotions out.


“In order to help one of my friends to stay among the living, I have to be Angelus on a regular basis. I have to torture him, use him, rape him, pimp him out, watch as he has sex with animals, and god knows what else is on those training tapes of his, just so that he has a reason or even the ability to live.”


Getting himself back under control, he finally said, “And to top it all off, he is bonded to me; he needs my blood and cum to live, he lives as long as I do, and the same goes the other way as well. If either of us dies, so does the other.


“To make matters worse, until I get use to having Xander around, and get Cordy under control, we can’t tell either Buffy or Willow, because other wise, they might try to take him away not believing what I’m saying as the truth.


“And now for the reason I’m here, I need you back in LA, Giles. I can’t do this alone. If I had to I could take Xander and disappear for years and have a great time with him, and I still could do that. But I don’t want that. What I want is someone who can keep me from crossing over that line that makes me Angelus forever. What I need is you to be man enough to be Ripper when Ripper is needed to control Angelus.


“Because I am going to use Xander exactly as he needs to be used until we can find away to undo some if not all - - and Gods help me if we can’t.”


“My Gawd, you care for the boy, don’t you?” whispered a shocked Giles.


“Everyone always assumed it was Buffy that I left behind when I left those many years ago, but it was because of what I was starting to feel for Xander that I left. When I heard that he had died, the Underworld gained a new respect for me as I tore through the areas and lay waste to minions and clan members like paper to sooth my broken heart and soul. And now to have him here, like this, is both a nightmare, and a fantasy combined.


“Look Giles, we can finish this on the drive back in the limo that I have borrowed. Get dressed, and gather some things for a long stay. Leave a note for the girls to cover your shift in the store. We need to get back to LA before morning. I can’t guarantee that Cordy will leave Xander alone if I’m not there.”


“Agreed, let me get my kit together and leave that blasted note. Do you think we will need Spike to help us?”


“Is he still in town? You all do know I had his chip removed a couple of years ago, right?”


“Yes, to both questions, but he seems to have fallen into Dawn’s orbit and Joyce would stake him herself if she thought he went back to the wrong track and cut off his little marshmallow supply.”


Angel just snickered at that. A Master Vampire brought low by a teenage girl and marshmallows.



Chapter Four



As Angel and Giles got ready for the trip back to LA about how to handle Xander, and maybe how to cure if there was such a thing, Gunn and Wes were pouring over some of the books left behind by Angel.


“Man, I’ve seen and read some sick shit, since starting to fight demons, but these human slavers have to be the worst,: Gunn said.


“Quite, if I didn’t know better I would think this just a fantasy of gay erotica, but its not, the proof being upstairs asleep. By the way has anyone checked on him lately?”


“Fred just did, she managed to get him to drink some Gateraid, but he never really woke up. She then went up stairs looking over the rooms. You know that was really nice what he did for Fred. You know choosing her over Della to do the rooms. It really showed he has faith in her judgments, especially with the credit card he gave her.”


“I know when I saw my jaw almost hit the floor. Good thing Cordellia never found that one, we would never see her again.”


“But lets get back to Mr. Harris. From the few books I have read the human slavers use three things to mold their slaves, mental abuse, physically abuse, and magical abuse. I must admit I have never seen nor heard of some these techniques in the use of black magic. Maybe when Mr. Giles gets here he can help us understand this. Because I’m afraid until we find a way to undo the magic first the other two factors will remain beyond us to even touch.”


“Whatcha mean English” Gunn asked


“It’s simple really, the knowledge of who he really was is locked behind all that magic, oh he knows everyone and has his memories and his personality to a degree. Otherwise he would be a mind less zombie and no slave master wants a play toy like that. But the part that made Xander rebel against the dark, the caused him to fight even though he was just a human, that part is locked away. And we will need that to help him heal.”


“What ever they did, they have destroyed not only a champion of the light, but a dear friend that I didn’t even know that I had, until it was too late,” Wesley said as he throws the book across the room, takes off his glasses, and rubs his eyes, “Damn, dust, books collect the most unusual amount of you know.”


“Ya, I know Wes, these things are always so damn dusty,” replied Gunn, choosing to ignore his friend’s small breakdown.




Across town, in a spacious apartment, a young woman sits crying as she watches a video tape of her ex-boyfriend, being raped and tortured, and this is the only the first tape of many. She has already made two trips to the bathroom to vomit her supper up, and now she has a trashcan near by, and she was forced to leave the room when they brought in the dog, though she heard him screaming and the orders given to him. She shudders, this was only the first day, what kind of hell did he have to go through rest of the time.


Suddenly a voice started talking into the camera, “As you can see we are on the way of breaking his will, soon we will have him broken and malleable, then his real training on how to please men will begin. Tonight in a frequency to high for him to hear, the hypnotic suggests will begin to be played.”


“Even the strongest we have had through here only lasted three weeks before they cracked, the magic users have already begun to ready their supplies and spells to lock the rebellious side away once it is broken.”


“Over the next 24 hour period he will be repeatedly raped at random intervals, to disorientate him, and since we will keep him underground he will get confused by what is day and night, as we will bring his food at different times as well. We will also add chemicals to his food that will alter his body, if you have read the brochures that came with the package you will understand why.”


“Until the next session, Good Night.”


As Cordy watch the tape went blank for a few moments, and then it switched over to Xander laying on a bed crying, she reached over and touched the screen, tears rolling down her face, she was mumbling, “Oh god, get him out of there, please help him,” even knowing this was already done and in the past.


Suddenly the door burst open and 6 men charged into the room, grabbing Xander, and before he could even yelp or yell, then had him in position, and were raping him. This was not sex, this was getting themselves off, and to cause Xander as much pain as possible. She could hear his muffled screams around the cock that was shoved down his throat, see the blood the was dripping from his rear as the man slammed into him.


With a groan the man in his ass stiffened and you could tell he was cumming. Pulling out you see he was not wearing a condom, as he took a corner of the blanket on Xander bed to clean himself with, he took his night stick, and cracked it across Xander’s ass, “Good fuck faggot, bet you’ll get better before long.”


The guy in his mouth just laughed, and then stiffen just like a board, and he started to shoot into Xander’s mouth, and when the was finish he then grabbed Xander by the nose, “Swallow it, bitch. Anything that comes of out a real man’s cock you are to swallow are you to understand.”


Swallowing, Xander nodding yes, “Good, boy, now stay right there, I have something special for you, you see I’m going to wash that down with a special brew, and if you spill a drop, well lets just say you will be tied down and you will sleep in a piss covered bed.”


“Now follow my instructions carefully. Just put the head of it in you mouth, tight you lips all the way around it and suck just a little to make a seal, I’m going to go slow since this is your first time, but in the future don’t expect this. Now here comes some.” At the first taste Xander jerk, it was awful. The guard quickly grabbed his head and held into place. “Yes, I know the taste is foul. It’s because I drank 4 cans of asparagus juice last night and held it all day for you. This is the worst taste you will ever taste when taking a man’s piss.”


While this was going on, another man was fucking Xander in the ass, and with a glove pieces of sharp metal in it, slapping Xander ass all over. Xander being in so much pain didn’t even notice it, while he was learning to drink piss. When that guard was done, “Good, slave. You’ll learn that not ever thing is about pain. You will have days were you will be locked in the guards bathroom and be the urinal all day, now doesn’t that sound like fun.”


Xander just groan, and hung his head. He didn’t have the energy to even fight back right now. The guard just laughed and walked off the bed.


The last guard was finishing up with fucking Xander’s ass, and as he finished cumming, and pulled out, Xander ass looked a bloody mess. Two guards quickly grabbed Xander’s legs, and two his arms and held him down. Then one put on a set of rubber gloves, he took out a tube of his pocket, and started to smear it all over the welts and punchers in Xander’s ass. Within a few minutes Xander was screaming, the cream was a salt base formula, and was literally burning the wounds.


“Now that should keep you for tonight, flip him over and cuff him to the bed, the hard board should be enough pressure on the ass to keep it stinging all night long.”



Once the tape was over, she quickly set back on the couch, snuggled herself into the corner, barracked herself in there with all the pillows she had, as if to protect herself from the boogey man she just discovered was real. She started to cry, and she couldn’t stop. The last bit of innocents she had was finally gone. She always held out hope that out there things didn’t seem as bad as it did from where she was at in the Underworld. Now seeing the tapes, she now knew that hope was in vain.


She cried for her ex-boyfriend, who she might never see again, just a carbon mockery of what he use to be. Oh Xan, would you have ended like this if we had stayed together, she thought guiltily, I promise I will never call you the Zeppo again, the useless one, if you would only come back to us. Please God, give me back my Xander, give me back the man I loved.


After a few minutes of this, “Well if God isn’t going to help, the watch out world, a pissed off pageant queen is going to do it, one way or the other.” An evil glint entered her eyes, that even ghost David got chilled over.


Grabbing the phone she speed dialed the office, “Hello, Wes? Put me on speaker phone and gather everyone around the table, please.”


“Okay, Cordellia we’re all here, what do you need to tell us at 3 am in the morning?” inquired Wesley.


“Have you guys been going over those books Angel left you?”


“Yes, those that we can stomach at any rate, why?”


“Well I just finished with the first tape, and all I can say is this: REVENGE. Want to do, Will do it, Ain’t nobody gonna stop me, clear?”


“I hear ya girlie-girl. From what I read, they needs to be takin downtown,” Gunn replied.


“Cool, that’s one, how about you Wes? You in?”


“Oh my dear Cordy, I was in long before you called, those gentlemen will suffer, and suffer indeed. But I think we should wait until Mr. Giles gets here and see and reads these accounts, I’m sure Ripper will join the party. I truly wish we could get a hold of Spike without alerting the Slayer or her mother.”


“True,” Cordy said.


“What’s the deal about the mother,” Fred asks confused.


“Fred, lets put it this way, Spike, the Big Bad, is afraid of Joyce Summers, so that should tell you something,” Cordy said over the phone.


“Well, I’m going to try to get some sleep, if I can after that tape. Oh Fred, I know it’s your project and all, but the bed room and bed, make sure they have plenty of places to put up hooks and cuffs and ropes.” With that she hangs up.


With an “EEEP”, a red faced Fred races from the room.


“You know she did that on purpose to Fred to get back at her for getting the decorating job and not her right?” Wes said to Gunn.


The other man just nodded, and went back to the book he was reading.



Chapter Five


Before leaving Sunnydale, the two men, Giles and Angel, had to find Spike. The blonde vampire needed to know what was going on so that he could help keep the Slayer and Willow in town and away from LA. It was key that they stay in town to allow them to be able to help and save Xander.


Tracking him down in Willy’s, Giles and Angel walked in, and sat down at the table that Spike had taken up residence at. Smelling the booze on Spike’s breath, Angel knew that they had to take him with them in order for him to sober up, and then understand what is going on, and what they needed for him to do.


Giles had told Angel that this was a common occurrence over the last two years since Xander died. Nodding his understanding, Angel knew that this would play into their plans. If Spike was this upset over Xander being dead, therefore when he found out he was alive, he would be that much more inclined to help them.


Sighing, he turned toward Spike, and started the conversation to get the blonde menace out of the bar with the least possible damage to the bar, Giles, or Angel’s Armani tux. Shaking the vampire to get his attention, he called out his name.




A grunt was his answer, so he tried again, slight louder and shaking him harder.


“Spike, it your Sire, I need your help, and I need to get you out of here in order to do what I need you to do.”


“Leave me alone you poof, I just want to drink away the pain and memories,” mumbled Spike.


Sighing, Angel grabbed the bottle, capped it, and handed it to Giles. Knowing Spike he would need it in the morning to get rid of the hangover. Giving it to Giles, Angel swings back and punches Spike “dead” in the face, knocking the drunken vampire cold.


Throwing down some money, Angel picks up the unconscious Spike, and throws him over his shoulder to carry out of the bar. Nodding to Willy to let him know everything was okay, Giles followed the other two out of the bar.


He follows in time to see Angel unceremoniously dump Spike in the other seat inside the limo, and get in. Crawling in with them both, Giles places the bottle in the mini-bar that came with the ride. Sighing, he leans back and removing his glasses, rubs his eyes. It was going to be a long ride back, and even a long next few months, he just knew it. But if it help save Xander from whatever he has become, Giles would do it for the boy he considered his son.


“Why don’t you get some sleep, it will be at least three hours before we get there, and you will need it to make up for all the time over the next few months that you will not get enough,” said Angel, not feeling the need to keep his voice down in case he woke his Childe.


Nodding his head at the sound advise, Giles curled up on his side of the limo, and slept until he was awakened at the hotel. Angel sat their staring at the two men, one knocked out, and the other a sleep, and just brooded over the mess his life had turned out to be at this moment.




To protect the vampires from the rising sun, the limo pulled into the underground parking garage, and the driver getting out to open the doors for his passengers. Angel had awaken Giles, and now was trying to wake up his way ward Childe, who kept batting Angel’s hand away from him in order to sleep more.


Finally having had enough, Angel leaned close to Spike’s ear, and yelled, “Spike get up quick, it’s the Slayer,” and jumped back from his Childe’s flaying arms as he tried to get awake and everything working at a moment’s notice.


“Wha…… bloody hell peaches, couldn’t you find a better way to wake me,” complained Spike grabbing his head, pain racked it, but not from the chip but rather a severe hangover from the night before. He knew at once upon awaking there was no Slayer, as he had nothing to fear from her any more, well not any more than normal.


“Where are we anyway Peaches?” asked Spike.


Rolling his eyes at the name, Angel just got out of the car and turned to Spike, “We are in LA, and as for why I will show you in a minute. But first you must promise me not to blow up and start tearing things apart.”


“Ya ya ya, Peaches what ever, what the bugger is there for me to see in LA,” snarled Spike, “I’m needed in Sunnydale, looking after Dawn and Joyce, like nummy would have wanted me too.” Saying this Spike’s eyes glassed over as he tried to hold back the tears from the memories of many conversations that he had with his nummy.


Smelling the tears that threatened to wash down Spike’s face, Angel grabbed him, and held him tight. He had always suspected there was more to those two men’s friendship, and now he knew. Spike loved Xander, I just hope seeing Xander in this condition will not totally unhinge Spike, thought Angel.


Giles waited on the other side of the car, and watched the scene. He had heard Spike, and just realizing that Xander meant more to Spike than any of them really knew. Now faced with that realization, Giles felt guilty for the way they had been treating Spike when he got like this, especially now that Giles knew why Spike drank like he did.


Giles remembered a few times when he got drunk over the loose of the young man he called son in his heart. He could now see that Spike was more human than any creature of the night that he had encountered. Well, I am just going to have to change how I treat him, that’s all, thought the Englishman.


Seeing that Spike had settled down, and was in the embrace of his Sire, who was whispering words to him that Giles couldn’t hear anyway, nor did he feel comfortable hearing them if he could, Giles accepted the luggage from the trunk of the limo from the driver, and thanked him for the help, sending him on his way to get some sleep and food.


Going over to the two of them, Giles touched Angel’s shoulder and indicated that they should make their way in before the sun came into the garage. Nodding his head Angel slowly stood away from Spike, making sure that he would be alright.


Snapping out of his morose mode, Spike started off the morning with his cocky English brat attitude, “ Oy, now what did you drag me all the way down here to see. Something you need the big bad to take care of for you,” smirked Spike.


Shaking his head at the attitude change, Angel lead Spike into the hotel, and into the lobby. Angel was not surprised to see both Wesley and Gunn still there pouring over the books, in an attempt to help solve his problems.


Wesley was startled by the sudden appearance of the three men, but then he was engrossed in studying the books in order to free Xander from the mental constraints that held him captive. Gathering up the notes that He and Gunn had made, he quickly made his way over to the group.


Coming to the point as quickly as possible Wesley started by saying, “Angel, it might be impossible to totally free Xander from what they did to him. Some of these spells that were used on him are of the blackest sort, some I never even heard off, let alone can find in my research. Perhaps Mr. Giles can be of help here?”


“Wesley, don’t you think by now you could call me Rupert or Giles, none of this Mister stuff is needed,” said Giles with a re-assuring smile.


Wesley just smiled and nodded at the older man, he felt like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. Ever since his time in Sunnydale, Wesley felt he let the older man down, and now with this it felt like he finally got Giles’s approval.


“Wesley, may I see the notes that you and your associate have compiled. With my background as Ripper, and my time with Ethan, I might be able to help with the spell breaking,” Giles politely but warmly asked.


Blushing at his inattentiveness Wesley handed over the small stack of notes that they had compiled. Only to step back when Giles began swearing.



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